“Creo que el problema de la Japan Lolita Association x Anime
Matsuri se ha vuelto inseparable”: Así comenzaba su renuncia como Embajadora
Kawaii de Tailandia Arthael Walkingshadow, el pasado 22 de junio. Después de
que comenzara la solicitud por bajar de sus puestos a los embajadores honorarios de Estados Unidos, producto de graves acusaciones, Arthael decidió
abandonar su cargo y la Asociación.
Sobre el problema de John Leigh y la Asociación, dice que aunque
no lo conoce, sí se puede juzgar de alguna manera la falta de profesionalismo: “Lamentablemente,
la falta de profesionalismo en el Lolita es tratado por la mayoría como algo
sin importancia, cosas triviales. ¿No es irónico que uno se viste en una moda
delicada, con dedicación, con muchos detalles, pero debe tolerar eventos mal
organizados o fiestas sin la suficiente cantidad de comida?”. Agrega que “En
cuanto a la participación Leighs con JLA, todo lo que puedo decir es que no fue
unánime, fue la decisión de Misako y su organización. Es muy lamentable, pero
Arthael o Arthael
Walkingshadow entró al Lolita en 2010. Conoció el Lolita como muchas,
por Malice Mizer, el visual-kei y el animé: “Me encanta la ropa cute. El Lolita
parecía la opción perfecta para mí, especialmente por el lado sweet-classic”,
cuenta. Para ella el Lolita tiene un look único que destaca entre otros género:
“Creo que la ropa lolita usualmente hace feliz a la gente. Puede alegrarte
tanto como decirle al mundo que no se metan contigo”. Arthael fundó la
agrupación “League of Lolita” con tres metas claras: ofrecer ayuda cuando fuera
necesario, organizar fiestas y reuniones, y mantener a sus amigos informados y
A través de un amigo, Arthael conoció a Misako, así que la
invitó a su primer evento en Tailandia. Ella nunca pidió el cargo de
embajadora, pero unos meses después se fundaba la Japan Lolita Association y
Arthael era nombrada como la representante de su país: “Discutí esto con
algunos de mis amigos y decidí aceptar
el puesto. Estaba al tanto de las implicaciones del título, pero en ese momento
aún esperaba que hubiese algo más. Además, esperaba que trajera cosas buenas en
el largo plazo a las comunidades lolita”.
¿Cuáles eran tus expectativas cuando comenzaste como embajadora?
Tengo que admitir que secretamente esperaba una versión lolita de las Naciones Unidas. Quería que las Embajadoras Kawaii trabajasen como representantes no solo en público, sino que trabajaran detrás de la pantalla. Quería una sólida “Asociación Lolita” que conociera el negocio, trabajara con todas las marcas y modelos, ofreciera una membresía real, beneficios, actividades, etc. Una asociación que no girara en torno a una persona, sino que promoviera una organización internacional por una meta específica.
A menudo digo que las lolitas no están destinadas a salvar al mundo. Pero podemos poner un poco de esfuerzo y hacer lo mejor por las cosas que amamos.
Lamentablemente, no existe esa guía sobre lo que hay que hacer como Emabajadora Kawaii de la JLA. Los recursos de la asociación son tan limitados, que llegó un punto en el que me di cuenta que sus propósitos no iban en la misma dirección que yo tenía en mente. Por eso, en mi tiempo como embajadora, decidí enfocarme solamente en mi comunidad.
¿Sientes que ser nombrada Embajadora Kawaii ayudó a tu comunidad?
Le he hecho esta pregunta a mis amigos y dijeron que no. En realidad no. Como los objetivos de la JLA no están claros, ser nombrada embajadora tiene un efecto muy pequeño. Personalmente, creo que el titulo tiene poca acreditación ya que las embajadoras internacionales técnicamente no están reconocidas por el gobierno.
Para ser justos, puede que el problema sea mi carácter más que el título en sí. Soy muy apasionada en lo que hago mientras no deje de convencerme. Elegí no promoverme a mí misma como una embajadora kawaii, porque no vi cuál era el punto de eso. Aunque, otros pueden encontrarlo útil.
Ya había algunas lolitas en Tailandia cuando Arthael fundó
League of Lolita. Quiso unirlas a todas y crear un buen ambiente. Ha logrado
que varias personas entren al estilo, más de una docena de nuevas lolitas: “Me
gusta pensar que nuestra comunidad lo está haciendo muy bien. Actualmente somos
un grupo de agradables y lindas personas sin dramas entre nosotras”.
Arthael aún disfruta del Lolita y el
otome-kei: “Espero tener más reuniones y tea parties y también espero poder ir
a eventos en otros países si puedo (¡Y si me dejan!).
About the problem of John Leigh and the Association, said that although she don’t know him, you can judge in somehow the lack of professionalism: "Sadly, the lack of professionalism in the lolita business is treated by most as unimportant, trivial things. Isn't it an irony to consider that here one dresses up in a delicate, dedicated, detail-oriented fashion while one must tolerate badly organised events or not-enough-food parties?”. She adds:"Regarding the Leighs involvement with JLA, all I can say is it wasn’t unanimous, but it was a Misako’s decision and her organisation. It's very unfortunate, but inevitable".
Arthael or Arthael Walkingshadow started to wear Lolita on 2010. She knew Lolita as many, for Malice Mizer, the Visual-kei and anime: "I love cute clothes. Lolita seems a perfect choice for me, especially on the sweet-classic side" she said. For her, Lolita have an unique look that stands out from other styles: " I find that lolita clothes usually make people happy. It could cheer you up as well as tell the world not to mess with you”. Arthael founded the community "League of Lolita" with three clear goals: To provide help when it needed, organize parties and meetings, and keep her friends informed and updated.
Through a friend, Arthael met Misako, so she invited her to her first event in Thailand. She never asked for the Ambassador title, but a few months later was founded the Japan Lolita Association and Arthael was named as the representative of her country: "I discussed this with some of my friends and decided to accept the position. I was aware of the title's implication, but at that time I still hope there was something more to it. I also hope it brought good things to the lolita communities in a long run”.
Arthael still enjoys Lolita and Otome-kei: "I’m also looking forward to having more meetups and tea parties for our community as well as hoping to attend other countries’ events if I can (and if they’d have me!)”.
English version
"I believe the JLA x AM issue now has become inseparable": Thus began her resignation as Kawaii Ambassador of Thailand Arthael Walkingshadow, on June 22th. After the began of the petition to revoke the titles of the honoraries US ambassadors, proceeds of serious accusations, Arthael decided to leave her charge and the Association.
About the problem of John Leigh and the Association, said that although she don’t know him, you can judge in somehow the lack of professionalism: "Sadly, the lack of professionalism in the lolita business is treated by most as unimportant, trivial things. Isn't it an irony to consider that here one dresses up in a delicate, dedicated, detail-oriented fashion while one must tolerate badly organised events or not-enough-food parties?”. She adds:"Regarding the Leighs involvement with JLA, all I can say is it wasn’t unanimous, but it was a Misako’s decision and her organisation. It's very unfortunate, but inevitable".
Arthael or Arthael Walkingshadow started to wear Lolita on 2010. She knew Lolita as many, for Malice Mizer, the Visual-kei and anime: "I love cute clothes. Lolita seems a perfect choice for me, especially on the sweet-classic side" she said. For her, Lolita have an unique look that stands out from other styles: " I find that lolita clothes usually make people happy. It could cheer you up as well as tell the world not to mess with you”. Arthael founded the community "League of Lolita" with three clear goals: To provide help when it needed, organize parties and meetings, and keep her friends informed and updated.
Through a friend, Arthael met Misako, so she invited her to her first event in Thailand. She never asked for the Ambassador title, but a few months later was founded the Japan Lolita Association and Arthael was named as the representative of her country: "I discussed this with some of my friends and decided to accept the position. I was aware of the title's implication, but at that time I still hope there was something more to it. I also hope it brought good things to the lolita communities in a long run”.
Which were your expectations when you started as Kawaii Ambassador?
I admit I might’ve secretly wanted a United Nations version of lolita . I wanted Kawaii Ambassadors to act as representatives who not only work publicly but also behind-the-scene towards a bigger picture. I wanted one solid 'Lolita Association’ that knows business, works professionally with all lolita brands and models, offers real membership, benefits, activities, etc. An association that doesn’t revolve around a person, but promotes a multi-international organisation for a specific thing for a specific goal.
I’ve often stated that lolitas aren’t meant to save the world. But we can put a little more effort and do a little better for the things that we love.
Sadly, there isn't such guideline about what to do as a JLA’s kawaii ambassador. The JLA's resources are so limited that at one point I’ve come to a realisation that their purposes didn't go in the direction that I have in mind. Therefore, during my time as a KA, I decided to focus solely on my community instead.
Do you feel that being named kawaii ambassador helped your community?
I’ve asked my friends this question, and they said no. Not really. Since the JLA’s goals aren’t clear, being named a kawaii ambassador has very little effect. Personally, I found the title having little credentials since the international KAs aren’t technically acknowledged by the government.
To be fair, that the problem may have to do with my character rather than the title itself. I am very passionate in what I do as long as it doesn't fail to convince me. I chose not to promote myself as a KA since I saw no point of it. However, others may find the title useful.
There were already some lolitas in Thailand when Arthael founded League of Lolita. She wanted to unite them all and create a good environment. She has managed a number of people entering to the style, more than a dozen of new lolitas:"I'd like to think that our community is doing really well. We currently consist of nice, beautiful people and no petty dramas among us“.
Arthael still enjoys Lolita and Otome-kei: "I’m also looking forward to having more meetups and tea parties for our community as well as hoping to attend other countries’ events if I can (and if they’d have me!)”.